Sunday, October 28, 2007

What this place is about....

Apparently I don't have enough to do.

So today, I'm trying out a new blog. This is on top of my other site.

I wanted a place where I could talk about journalism.

Journalism Bull is a nod to the stock market. I'm not ready to hang up the cleats on journalism because of the Internet. A friend of mine, who admittedly is a lot smarter than me when it comes to these types of things, tells me he's a bear on the industry. But maybe we're talking Xs and Os.

He was talking about newspapers. I'm talking about journalism. Then again, I don't think the buzzards are circling around newspapers just yet, either.

But it won't take long if we aren't careful. Chalk it up to cheerleading, if you want.

As for journalism, I think the Internet is great for journalism. It provides us a medium to do things print couldn't --- and expand on topics that newspapers prevented because of space reasons.

You'll probably see me talk about data and its role in journalism a lot --- mainly because that's what I do.

So, at risk of rambling with no point and boring you, here we go....

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